What other methods can I order a California Tahoe Plate?
Currently there are three methods in which you can order a California Lake Tahoe License Plate. You can order by mail, online or at your local DMV. To order by mail, complete form REG 17: click here.
If I want a personalized plate, how do I know whether or not it’s already taken?
You can find out in real-time whether or not a specific personalized plate combination is available by calling the
DMV at (800) 777-0133 or online at: (click “Order
Personalized” and get to Step 2).
What are the fees and where does the money go?
Funds from Lake Tahoe license plate orders are used for preservation and restoration projects in the Lake Tahoe area. To learn more, visit the website of the California Tahoe Conservancy,
Sequential Plate Fees:
Original: $50
Replacement: $35
Annual Renewal Fee for Lake Tahoe Sequential Plates: $40
Personalized Plate Fees:
Original: $98
Conversion: $98
Annual Renewal Fee for Lake Tahoe Personalized Plates: $78
What other methods can I order a Nevada Tahoe Plate?
Currently there are 3 methods in which you can order a Nevada Tahoe License Plate. You can order by mail, fax or at your local DMV.
If I want a personalized plate, how do I know whether or not it’s already taken?
Before you select a personalized plate number, find out in real-time whether or not a specific personalized plate combination is available by calling the DMV at: 877-368-7828 or using the online “Personalized License Plate Availability Search” at: The Lake Tahoe Plate can hold 7 characters.
What are the fees and where does the money go?
Funds from Lake Tahoe license plate orders are used for preservation and restoration projects in the Lake Tahoe area. To learn more, please visit the website of the Nevada Division of State Lands:
Sequential Plate Fees: $62
Annual Renewal Fee for Lake Tahoe Sequential Plates: $30
Personalized Plate Fees: $96
Annual Renewal Fee for Lake Tahoe Personalized Plates: $50