Tahoe East Shore Trail

Partners: Tahoe Transportation District, Nevada Division of State Parks, Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, Nevada Division of State Lands, US Forest Service, Incline Village General, Improvement District, Washoe County, Nevada Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration
Funds Raised: $1,000,000+
The Tahoe East Shore Trail is a spectacular three-mile paved path that provides a new opportunity for the community to experience the natural beauty of the eastern shore of Tahoe. The path significantly improves the safety of those traveling down the Highway 28 corridor, while creating an exceptional recreational amenity with added environmental benefits. With a 10-foot wide path, it meets the American Disability Act standards to ensure it is accessible to everyone to ride, walk or stroll.
Through the generous support of Tahoe Fund donors, we helped secure a $12.5M federal grant for the trail and developed a long-term maintenance fund for the trail.
Plans are now underway for the extension of the Tahoe East Shore Trail, extending from Sand Harbor to Spooner Summit. This next phase will expand the Highway 28 safety improvements, shared-use path, parking, transit stops, emergency pullouts, visitor amenities, and other environmental improvements. Project partners at the Tahoe Transportation District, Nevada Department of Transportation, and the US Forest Service, are finalizing the construction plans for the next segment.
Leave Your Legacy
Leave your legacy on the trail with engraved emblems. You can purchase a bear paver or trout plaque inscribed with the name or message of your choosing. Donations made after May 1, 2019 will fund bike trails all around Lake Tahoe including the next section.
Click here to get a trout-shaped plaque – $5,000
Click here to get a bear-shaped plaque – $2,500
Join the Next Donor Recognition Wall with a donation of $100 or more.
Take a ride on the East Shore Trail with the Reno Gazette Journal