UV Light Pilot Project
Partners: Tahoe Resource Conservation District, Inventive Resources Inc., California Tahoe Conservancy
Total Project Cost: $270,000
Funds Granted: $10,000
Aquatic invasive weeds are a serious threat to the crystal clear waters of Lake Tahoe. Aquatic invaders such as Eurasian watermilfoil and curly-leaf pondweed have already established in the Lake. These non-native species change the natural make-up of the waters and threaten to significantly reduce the recreational use of the Lake and surrounding rivers.
In an effort to spur innovation in Tahoe, the Tahoe Fund provided the initial funds for a project to evaluate UV light as a new method to remove aquatic invasive weeds. This innovative approach was used in a pilot program at Lakeside Marina & Beach in 2017 and could change the way aquatic invasive weeds are controlled in Tahoe’s watershed and beyond if successful. Monitoring of the technology took place throughout 2018. In February 2019, the Tahoe Resource Conservation District released a report that deemed the technology an effective way to treat aquatic invasive weeds in Lake Tahoe.