Land Tender
Partners: Vibrant Planet, Tahoe Truckee Community Foundation, California Tahoe Conservancy
Funds Granted: $50,000
Forest health projects often take years to plan and execute. With wildfires burning hotter and faster than ever before, it’s critical to speed up planning for preventative projects like thinning hazardous and overgrown timber, clearing fuels from roadsides, and conducting prescribed burns.
Land Tender is a powerful new software tool that uses high resolution imaging and artificial intelligence to help land managers address wildfire threats and plan forest health and restoration treatments. Developed by Vibrant Planet, this platform has the potential to cut the time it takes to plan and execute projects from years to months.
Land Tender will be used in the Tahoe Basin and surrounding critical watersheds covering 1.5 million acres, making this the largest deployment to date of this new system. The platform will be deployed across the Lake Tahoe Basin, the Middle Truckee River, American River, Bear River, Feather River, and Yuba River watersheds. Much of that area is either burning, under high wildfire threat, or in need of reforestation, fueling the need for faster, more informed wildfire resilience and restoration planning and monitoring.