Lost Lake Connector Trail
Project Partners: Tahoe Area Mountain Biking Association, USFS Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit
Total Project Cost: $160,000
Tahoe Fund Goal: $100,000
The west shore of Lake Tahoe, squeezed tightly between the lake and the crest of the Sierra Nevada, has long been a victim of minimal access, overuse and crowding. Currently, a mountain biker looking to ride a trail between Fallen Leaf Lake and Tahoe City will be disappointed and forced to drive South, North or East to enjoy their hobby. This lack of access to the West Shore Tahoe not only creates unnecessary vehicle trips creating air pollution and congestion, but also causes overcrowding at popular trails around the Lake.
In partnership with the Tahoe Area Mountain Biking Association, Tahoe Fund hopes to alleviate some of this pressure/crowding by building the Lost Lake Connector Trail. Beginning at the West Shore Bike Path in Meeks Bay, the new trail will run along a southwest ridge almost 5 miles before connecting to the Lost Lake Trail, which will allow users to head down General Creek Trail creating a spectacular 10-mile loop.
This multi-use trail is a stepping stone of a larger effort to increase sustainable recreation on the West Shore of Lake Tahoe and diffuse users over a larger geographic area. Tahoe Fund has a fundraising goal of $100,000 to complete the construction of this trail. With your support to construct new sustainable trails, we can reduce overcrowding, congestion, and create a better experience for everyone.