USDA Forest Service Restroom Murals

Project Partners: USDA Forest Service Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit, Kelly Brothers
If you beautify the interior of highly visited restrooms, will it inspire people to take better care of these spaces?
That’s what the Tahoe Fund and the USDA Forest Service Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit (LTBMU) are hoping to find out through a new community-driven restroom mural painting project.
We are seeking community-based artists to paint murals in the interiors of highly visited LTBMU restroom facilities, helping to diminish vandalism and encourage people to take better care of Tahoe.
Inspired by a similar project by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) in Henry’s Lake, Idaho, these murals will transform the interiors of these facilities and bring them alive with depictions of Tahoe’s plants, animals, and beautiful landscape.
Paint for each mural will be generously supplied by Kelly Brothers Painting.
Photo by Bruce Hallman, Idaho Falls District BLM