Third Creek and Incline Creek Watershed Restoration

Partners: IVGID, US Army Corps of Engineers, Nevada Division of State Lands
Funds Granted: $10,550
The Third and Incline Creek watershed was Nevada’s highest priority restoration project in Lake Tahoe. It contributed more fine sediment that damaged the clarity of Lake Tahoe than any other watershed in Nevada. The first two phases of this collaborative inter-agency project were completed in 2009 and 2010 by the Incline Village General Improvement District (IVGID), the US Army Corps of Engineers, and the Nevada Division of State Lands. Portions of Third Creek were restored, culverts were replaced, and new bridges were built.
The final phase included stream restoration improvements on Third Creek from Lakeshore Drive to Lake Tahoe, and on Third and Incline Creeks from Incline Way to State Route 28. To allow for safe, stabilized foot traffic across both creeks, pedestrian bridges and stairs were included in the project design. The project has significantly improved water quality, fish passage, and provided a recreational amenity in the heart of Incline Village.