Lower Tyrolian Reroute

Project Partners: TAMBA, USDA Forest Service – Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit
Funds Granted: $40,000
Mountain bikers now have a fun new section of technical singletrack to enjoy as they descend from the popular Tyrolian Downhill Trail. A new 0.75-mile trail segment was rerouted to move the lower section of the trail away from nearby residential neighborhoods in Incline Village and to reduce impacts on the nearby creek.
Built by the Tahoe Area Mountain Biking Association in partnership with the US Forest Service Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit and with funding support from the Tahoe Fund, the Tyrolian Reroute includes technical rock work, a 24-foot wood bridge, and a new 0.25-mile connection to the Diamond Peak Resort parking lot where the trail concludes. Previously, the final 0.5-mile of the trail ran parallel to the road.
Learn more here.
Photo by First Track Productions