DRINK TAHOE TAP Water Refill Stations

Project Partner: Tahoe Water Suppliers Association
Total Project Cost: $20,000
Tahoe Fund Grant: $10,000
Tahoe Fund Grant: $10,000
With 99.994% purity, Tahoe tap water was voted the best tasting water in the country. The Tahoe Fund is partnering with the Tahoe Water Suppliers Association to encourage businesses in the Tahoe Basin to install more water bottle refill stations so more people can DRINK TAHOE TAP.
This will encourage environmental stewardship and reduce the use of single-use plastics by providing a way to easily refill reusable water bottles.
Available on a first-come basis, grants will be offered to Basin businesses who fill out the application, install the water bottle refill stations and submit proof of installation and payment between August 1, 2020 and June 30, 2021.
Click HERE to download the application!