Angora Creek Bridge Replacement

Partner: California Department of Parks and Recreation (CA State Parks)
Funds Granted: $15,000
Angora Creek, a tributary of the Upper Truckee River, flows through the high meadows and conifer forests of Washoe Meadows State Park near Meyers, CA. The creek has been the site of several recent projects to restore damage caused by historic grazing practices, road and sewer construction, and the 2007 Angora fire. A new meandering channel now supports thriving fish and plant communities.
To complete the restoration efforts, Tahoe Fund partnered with California State Parks to build a bridge that would replace temporary crossings that hindered park users and caused severe stream bank erosion, which introduced fine sediments into Lake Tahoe. The new bridge now protects the river and lake and serves as a hub for hikers, bikers, birders, and other visitors to this jewel of Tahoe’s south shore.